Hey! I'm Helliot.

Eclectic internet creative and ghost in the machine.

This website is meant to be a hub for all the stuff I make - My music, writing, games (when I finally release one) and rambled thoughts with nowhere better to go.

It's a general-purpose variety website, I just couldn't get the name Helliot for it. Sadly.

The sidebar off to the left will have updates of whatever I've been up to lately, so if you care about the stuff I make, check in occasionally.

Massive thanks to sadgrl and her Layout Builder for serving as the foundation to this site, HTML is not my forte and this gave me a MASSIVE boost in getting the page up and running.

Oh, and as you may have noticed, there's a music player embedded in the website. Everything on it is stuff I've made, available on my youtube channel.

- Quotes -

"Happiness has to be fought for."

"I told you bro! I told you about the stairs!"